Welcome To
My Personal Portfolio

The purpose for software development is to aspire to take engineering and design skills to new heights to build incredible software applications.


The Dads Abides

A 3 group member e-commerce fullstack application designed and built from the database all the way to the frontend. I took part in designing the database architecture and writing out the query functions, including the routing for Express. On the frontend I worked on both the Cart and Cart items components for both registered users and non-users. I also provided assistance with the product component.

  • PostgreSQL
  • Express
  • React
  • Node

Fitness Trac.kr

A duo project that had us replicate the backend of this Heroku API and construct the frontend of the app. I had all Jest tests passing for the database side and near completion for the server routing. I also designed and built the Header, Routines and My routines components with relation to the API calls.

  • PostgreSQL
  • Express
  • React
  • Node

Stranger Things

A Craigslist-lite using an API provided from heroku. This was a duo group project using the JavaScript React library and the Material-UI framework. I desgined the Header, Posts and Profile Components. I also made the asynchronous API calls in respective of those components. Visit the site and to test it's functionality.

  • React
  • Material-UI


The infamous arcade game, Snake. I built the entirety of this app using the JQuery library and the use of OOP to update the CSS of the page to function much like the game!

  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • CSS3


I've worked with a range of technologies. From Back-end To Design

  • Front-End

    Experiece with

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node, Express, ASP.NET MVC and Databases - SQL Server, PostgreSQL and MongoDB

  • UI/UX

    Experience with
    frameworks like Material-UI and Bootstrap

  • Languages

    Experience with
    C++, Java, C# and Python

About Me

My goal and the pursuit of software development is to aspire other developers and build awesome apps.

Personal Achievements




Hours of Software Study

Innovating one project at a time